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(✅ Step by Step) How a Dog Water Bottle Can Improve Your Relationship With Your Pup

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

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Here's how you can use dog water bottles to improve your relationship with your pup:

The following are tips you can apply indoors, especially if you have a young puppy.

1. Put water in a dog water bottle. (This will help with potty training too). You can and should leave water available for your pup, but a little bit less than usual, to most effectively use the following tips.

2. Place the bottle somewhere accessible and make sure all family members know to use it throughout the day. Make sure that the water is kept cool and as fresh as possible.

3. Every time your puppy does something you’re happy with, and after you’re doing activities together, use the dog water bottle as a treat to provide your pup with enough to quench their thirst and make them feel great.

4. Bring the bottle with you on walks to help guide and redirect them as needed while ensuring they stay hydrated.

Why these tips are useful is because instead of allowing your pup to only and mostly free drink while you’re home, you’re instead creating multiple instances where you get to share water with your pup, which is something amazing that you should do together, and which will strengthen your connection and the association that your attention only ever leads to good things.

This will help ensure your pup always chooses and favours responding to interactions with you, over anything any kind of environment throws your way!

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